Session 142 – The Mythic Underworld

Jeb established a permanent portal between Trumpquatia and Agriculture 3, so that folks who settled there could aid the A.I. in its work. The party also handed over the seedbank they discovered in session 139, directing the AI to take it slow. The seeds are of unknown provenenace with unknown needs, so do not waste them. Experiment carefully.

The party conversed with Ashgar the Resurrector and discovered that he has resurrectred 2-3 times before now. This time the conditions seem right for…whatever mysterious desire he is pursuing.

The party also collected Nrrk to come along as their cartographer videographer on the next leg of their journey.

The lowest portion of the sewer map the party has indicates that the tunnels go even further down into the earth, but are unmapped. They want to see whats down there. On the way they encounter a giant skeleton spider, which they defeat by hitting it with the truck they’re driving, ruining the truck but also killing the creature. They also encountered the same thieving child again, and Jeb was able to track him down by using his Hat of Five Birds. They met with the kid, who was belligerent, but also seems to be acting on distrust learned from being abused. They give him food, tell him where they can be found if he needs help, and leave him be.

Now off the map, the party discovered miles of tunnels going ever deeper into the earth. They found heaps of steel arms and armor meant for creatures larger than humans, abandoned among bones. Further they found a city of crumbling stone. Vast in size, but occupied by only a small group of large, green skinned, pig people. Perhaps 40 of them in a city that could house tens of thousands. They live a stone aged subsistence existence. They do not speak any language the players know, and are wary of the party. They appreciated the party’s gift of meat, but reacted with fear and distress when the party attempted to offer them a metal pot. The party let them be on better than neutral terms.

Exploring the city, the party found carvings depicting great beasts, and what appeared to be a ritual space with carvings depicting the beasts giving metal tools to the pig people. They called up Bal’Urel on the phone and learned that what humans call “hell” was originally on mars, but that the whole of demon society moved on around the time humans were building the first telescopes.