Session 129 – Doors Galores

The party decided to return to Ronnina’s pocket dimension dungeon to loot it further, since there were quite a few rooms as yet unexplored. They discovered a room full of magical junk, including a dead cat in a jar which, when opened, hopped out apparently as alive as can be. When they attempted to pet the cat their hands passed through it–GHOST CAT! They offered it some food, and hid one of their Divine Sparks inside the food, which gave the cat the ability to speak, and presumably a significantly heightened intelligence. The Ghost Cat was aloof, but agreed to leave the pocket dimension with the party so it might have better access to critters to chase.

Also at this point Umquat encountered Kumquat. It went about as well as anyone reading this chronicles would imagine. She beat the smaller creature mercilessly, then tortured it, cut off its hand, and left it whimpering for mercy.

After wandering through a lot of pointlessly winding corridors they came upon a room of construction supplies. Lightweight folded items that could be unraveled to form walls or door or such. They would only work here in this pocket dimension. The players continued to use them through the rest of the adventure adding an obscene number of doors everywhere they went. If a path would have required 3 more steps to use extant doors, they just added a new one.

They encountered a room filled with leafy pits where lizard people enjoyed narcotics, and a particularly fat lizard claimed to be god and offered to let someone sleep on his belly. Chuffy agreed, and the rest of the party settled for taking some of the drugs. Umquat’s Bushcraft confirmed they were a completely invented substance.

From there the party acquired some more Divine Sparks, found a bedroom with a mirror portal in it that was broken on the other end (a mirror in Ronnina’s tower), and checked once more on Curly Locks. She was just as crazy as ever, but compassionate Umquat took her to the Drug Lizard God, and she fell asleep contentedly next to Chuffy.

Finally the party examined all the pits in the room of 28 pits more thoroughly. Most of them seemed to be bottomless pits, many others were just empty shallow pits. A few were filled with liquids: milk, water, a pinkish pepto bismol lookin stuff. Two interested the party: a thick purple stuff, and a constant water whirlpool.

The purple stuff was burdensomely heavy and flammable, but stable. The party rigged up a pump to carry it through the mirror, through one of the mirror shards, and up to the space station for further study.

The whirlpool took some jiggering, but the party eventually figured out it was imprisoning an air elemental, and released them. The elemental offered to grant them one boon, and the party told them they’d think about it. They gave it a cell phone so it could stay in touch.

Upon returning home, the party took a well deserved Haven Turn.