Session 128 – It’s Like Squarespace for Pocket Dimensions

Lightning arced down from the ceiling and began to assemble all the bones in the room into skeletons. The party managed to convince them that they were now the rightful owners of the dungeon, and thus the skeletal security system didn’t need to evict them. This annoyed the skeletons, who wouldn’t be able to disassemble for hours. The party left them with a phone for watching YouTube videos while they waited.

Continuing to explore led the party to a big ol’ hole in the ground, which they climbed down, discovering a sort of underground lake. Asking the skeletons for help they took some of the storage barrels and lashed them together into a sort of hexagonal shape, leaving ~25% of their contents inside them for ballast, then climbed into the barrels to float around in them like a raft.

They came upon an island with a talking scarecrow on it who seemed to exist primarily to chat with someone while they fished. The party made friends, and turned the scarecrow so it could enjoy examining the intricacies of a different wall.

Moving on the party discovered a mysterious door. After evading a deadly trap to reach it, they opened it to see 3 chests in a room where the floor was a thin sort of ‘force field’ holding an endless sea of fire at bay. Through careful application of portals the party was able to retrieve the chests, and only barely got singed in the process. They returned to the upper floor via some stairs, and pried the chests open to reveal Ronnina’s treasure hoard of 250,000cc, which they hauled back home.