Session 127 – Kumquat

Rather than follow through on the discussions which ended the previous session, the party decided it was time to claim the reward they’d given themselves for rescuing Ronnina back in Session 125. Best to get it taken care of before she fully recovered from the ordeal after all.

The party traveled to Comet Caller territory, spoke to Sheliquizza the vault attendant, gave the passcodes they’d taken from Ronnina’s brain, and entered her private pocket dimension. Ronnina had shaped it into a sort of dungeon, because she’s a nerd.

There were magic mouths that yelled warnings at the party, trick doors which split the party, barrels of food supplies being used by poorly made chef homonuli. The party found a room with some kind of time dilation effect, demonstrated by a torch moving in slow motion. They found the remnants of Ronnina’s spell to stop her aging (Jeb collected 2 pouches of Earth Soil). There was a room where Ronnina apparently constructed people in her vats, and the party shook 3 “Divine Sparks” out of a jar for themselves.

While separated, some of the party bumped into a diminutive clone of Umquat named “Kumquat.” She was arrogant, angry, and honestly pretty weak. The party wrestled her to submission and carried her around for awhile.

In an adjacent room they found a bunch of people floating in a pool of water. All had very long toes which became noodly after the first joints, and disappeared into the murky water. The party was creeped out and left these alone.

In a room full of pits the party discovered what appeared to be a completely insane clone of the long-dead hireling CurlyLocks. They also found a gold bar with writing on the bottom which forced a saving throw versus magic when read. (Save successful!) It read “Shalvun.” The party called Bal’Urel who informed them that Shalvun was what they might call an “angel.” A creature similar to a demon, but one who wished to destroy established order by returning all sold souls back to their original owners. The party returned the bar and moved on, figuring it was more trouble than it was worth.

Across the hall they found a veritable library of catalogued bones. Jeb took a set of bones for himself that came from a creature who’d been able to achieve superhuman levels of raw natural ability in short bursts of exertion. There was also a little metal box on the wall. Jeb used his ‘portal’ ability to look inside of it. There was a button. The gobbos pushed it.