Session 119 – “I Still Have Soap Now”

Continuing through the sewers, the party encountered a toothy beast which Jeb threw a grenade at before it had a chance to make clear whether it was an evil monster or just something that looked kinda threatening. He feels no remorse. The party collected some of the blood and goo it left behind, since it appears to defy gravity by floating around the room.

Further on the party encountered The Dictatorship of Joe. Joe is one guy living in a cave. He’s a huge misogynist who USED to run the place which was called The Republic of Steve when the party visited it in session 100. Joe had been supplanted by Dave, who was apparently later supplanted by Steve. Joe thinks this is a clear sign that they need him, and dubbed the party his paladins in that quest. The party said they’d be right back to help him out, then left.

Yet further on the party encountered a coffin standing upright which slid across the floor towards them. There was this whole debacle with the party setting up a bomb, but then they got buried up to their waists by the coffins weird powers and almost all died. Fortunately one of the party members had some kinda time traveling magic item from a previous adventure, and un-did the whole encounter so they could do it properly, destroy the coffin, and all get away safely.

Finally the team reached a metal door with an aberrant high tech appearance. They were allowed inside, through an elaborate set of security precautions, and into conference with Team Gopher.

After laying out their plan, Team Gopher was pessimistic. They don’t believe there’s any way to defeat the Aliens, and would rather hide from them than defeat them. The party was unable to convince them otherwise, but was able to suggest a course of action which would serve both groups.

Team Gopher would put their resources to creating a series of well-appointed bunkers in the underground, similar to the one they were living in, but suitable for a greater number of peoples. The party agreed to send laborers from Trumpquatia to aid in the construction, with the understanding that the transfers would be one-way. No going back up to the surface once you know what’s going on down here.

Team Gopher would also send some of their scientists and engineers up to Trumpquatia to teach people about technology, and those people would then go out to teach others and begin the de-mystification of tech.