Session 118 – Remember When We Killed Team Gopher? Well…

During their discussions with ASCII, the party learned that the Internet hasn’t been using their ship much and all the grunts are in the dark so to why. Knowing it must be because of the aliens, the party confronts the Hangman who admits she simply hadn’t thought to tell the party any of this, since it lined up pretty exactly with their own experiences.

Ages ago, the party sold an alien prisoner to the Internet. They were never able to get the mech suit open, but they did manage to prevent a beam-out, and the creature inside died. Months later, when the Internet got their ship running, the suit mysteriously began producing sounds. A communication from elsewhere that revealed it knew a lot more about Internet operations than they would have guessed, and which warned them to stay out of space. They’re currently trying to learn more about the dangers before they risk their ship by venturing too far out.

A discussion of what to do next followed. The Hangman thinks Technotopia is dangerous, and the party thinks the best way to combat them is to demystify technology by increasing the public’s general awareness of it. If people know how to repair tech, and how tech works, the allure of the religion will falter.

The party decides to bring in Team Gopher, (who they admit to the Hangman they never killed.) They had a whole team of scientists that could be put to good work serving that goal.

The party contacted Team Gopher, and set out for the meeting through the sewers.

On the way they heard a familiar fax machine noise, indicative of alien teleportation. Jeb swallowed an invisibility potion to go check it out, and found a group standing around communicating in strange sounds. He pickpocketed one of them and acquired blank cylinder. (Later tinkering revealed this to be the alien equivalent of a Smartphone. It’s difficult to operate, but it projects a holographic display.)

Further on they bumped into a devil named Rekkozidus. Literally. He dropped a bunch of papers. The devil recognized Umquat as a torturer of great reknown. They talked shop for a bit, and the party discovered Hell used to be on Mars. As the party helped him collect his papers, Chris quickly glanced at and memorized the weaknesses of 11 Lords of Light.

The Gobbos bombarded the devil with questions: what happened to Rita’s soul? Will he come to a house party? Will he play Krampus for the Gobbo’s orphans?

The session ended In Media res.