Session 117 – Recruiting ASCII

The party visited the animal combiner and spent 10,000cc to combine 100 of the Outsiders worms with Yeast, thus creating a microscopic symbiote that would enable humans to breathe the thing atmosphere of Mars.

The party took the Highlander up to the space station (intentionally making the controls look more confusing than they are). Everyone seems to get along well enough. Even Umquat reconciles with the Hangman. The group discuss their options.

Stealing the Internet’s Space Ship should happen at some point, but they need more allies. Team Gopher, Firing Squad, The Lady of the White Way who is totally into Umquat, and ASCII all seem like viable options. The party sends a text to ASCII to meet up with her at Billy Bob’s Burgers & Mud Wrestling, an establishment which claims to have been operating since before the apocalypse.

The party have a long convo with ASCII. She’s skeptical, and takes a lot of convincing, but she’s down to betray the Internet. She kinda hates everyone on the high council, but doesn’t know where else she’d go if she left. The party don’t tell her the hangman is part of their rebellion, and ASCII agrees to work as a sort of “Kid on the inside” for awhile, feeding them information.

The party notices someone following ASCII, and slip an NGage into their pocket so they can track ’em. They head to Northern Fighting Mongoose territory, then the tracker goes dark.