Session 17 – Dog Hitler

The Dramatis Personae

+John Bell as Dr. Trevor Science
+Joshua Blackketter as Magnus Robot Fighter
+Chris H as Gown
+Shoe Skogen as Agamoni


2/3rds of a Magician’s Laboratory. 16,000 Darics in value. This may be sold as treasure, or added to the value of the laboratory on the Bosco.
Smell Novels worth 30,000 Darics, or 4,286 cc/xp when divided amongst all 7 who participated in this long adventure. (+Patrick Stuart, +vss cedars, and +Dan Domme)


The Blue World: Dome, Underdark, Finnaw & Dog Person capitols.

Highlights Recap

Having discovered nothing of value in the caves, the party debated their next move. Ultimately it was decided to investigate the Comet Callers directly, and to pass through the Dungeon of the Dogmen on their way to the surface to confer with them about the investigation. Using the same “We need B-roll” excuse that had proven so effective so far, the party made their way through the Finnaw front lines, and directly into the Dogmen’s territory without any trouble whatsoever.

There they inquired about anyone who might be particularly familiar with the wizards of Comet Caller territory, and it was suggested they might want to meet with Tassidr. The party was eager to do so, to the point of threatening this low level mook for daring to follow proper procedure by asking permission to interrupt Tassidr’s work.

Tassidr’s magic laboratory was as spacious as the chamber housing all of the Glurn refugees. Ostensibly (as the mook described) he was researching how to create an extradimensional space to alleviate the Dogmen’s overpopulation woes, but the party quickly noted that he seemed like a suspicious character. With a combination of poison, threats of violence, and magical compulsions, the party wormed the truth out of him.

Tassidr belived the Dogmen’s innate politeness made them the clear master race of the underworld. He had performed the ritual which “enlightened” the Finnaw (skipping over all who weren’t sleeping when the change was made). The plan was to teach the Dogmen comntempt for both species: the Finnaw for their racism, and the Glurn for being dirty refugees whose presence lowered Dogman quality of life.

The party compelled Tassidr to undo what he had done. The process would take about 3 weeks, so the party left him only with what magical oddments were most necessary for the task (determined by Dr Science and Gown), and revealed the truth of the whole affair to the Glurn & Dogmen, who would keep a careful watch to make sure he did no more mischief.

Very quickly the party wrapped up their affiars: deactivating the Finnaw genocide device, collecting some of Tassidr’s magical equipment and the promised Smell Novels for solving the overpopulation crisis. The party loaded onto the ship, and set out for The Tavern, where they hoped to find a lead on profitable work.

A few parsecs away from the blue world, the party stumbled upon a large vessel in space. An ostentatious thing, doubtless of noble origins. The exterior actually had stone ornamentation: pillars and statues. The ship was drifting in space, and didn’t respond to hails, so the party decided to board her for salvage. Onboard they discovered a mysterious fungus: yellow and blue tangles of vines, sprouting wicked looking mushrooms.

Due to some technical issues, the session ended in media res just as investigating the ship was getting started.