Session 16 – "Kids Love Halfpipes."

Dramatis Personae

+Dan Domme as Rael Spyke
+John Bell as Doctor Trevor Science
+vss cedars as First Officer Hey
+Chris H as Gown
+Patrick Stuart as Captain RayRayRayRayRay


Two mortarboards of distinguished construction. (2,000 Darics each)
Two heavily ornamented scroll cases, each hanging on silver chains, each containing an elaborate degree certifying these two dragon heads as being intellectuals of the first order. (4,000 Darics Each)

That’s 12,000 Darics of treasure, or 2,400 Darics / XP each

Highlights Recap

Believing the answer to the Finnaw’s sudden “enlightenment” would be found in the caves their explorers had been investigating, the party set out through the underdark of the blue world to investigate. Along the way they encountered a sticky ooze, which they carefully avoided. Further along they met some impish little creatures.

The party followed the creatures where they wanted to lead, and eventually came upon a lava cavern, with a skull-decorated spire rising from it, and a bridge of iron chains leading to it. Within they mest Teldor the Demon. He did this whole gleeful “I’m so evil, I’m gonna curse you.” thing, and the party mostly just mocked him. They did determine that he didn’t have anything to do with the change in the Finnaw. They also DID get cursed.

Dr. Trevor Science will always come across as sarcastic. Rael Spyk was cursed to take 1 damage when he spoke words that begin with “S”

The Captain, Hey, and Gown were all cursed to experience Heartbreak at some point in the future.

Continuing on, the party eventually reached the cave, where they found the surveyor’s camp. TL;DR, they explored the cavern and the surrounding area thoroughly. They know just about everything it’s possible to know about its flora, fauna, and recent history. There is no evidence that this location was at all important to the mystery they’re attempting to unravel.

They set off to return to the Finnaw capitol. On the way the cavern the party was traveling in bisected another cavern; both large enough to walk through, but with only a small opening between them. In the other passage there was a great three headed beast adorned with impressive bling, and engaged in philosophical argument with itself.

The party enterd the argument, and some magic was used to force the creature’s heads into shifting its view about the correct solution to the epistemic paradox, and eventualy convinced two of the three heads to hand over their bling without any struggle.

The party returned to the Finnaw capitol, and the session ended In Media Res