Session 6 – I Shake It Around Like A Martini

Dramatis Personae

+vss cedars as Hey
+Courtney Campbell as Tin Man
+Chris H as Gown
+Joshua Blackketter as Magnus Robot Fighter
+Patrick Stuart as RayRayRayRayRay
+John Bell as Sir Mysteriously Absent for 3 Sessions

The Bosco

HP: 8/8
Fuel: 27/30
Free Cargo Space: 2/16 (2 are secure)
Cargo: 5 spare fuel (1), 4 Krakken Eggs (2), 5 Baby Krakkens (5), Stygian Liberation Front Paraphernalia (1), Freeze Dried Food (3), Weapons Cache (2), Orlog IV CombatBots (1)
Passengers: Dr. Osh


1,600 Darics
That’s 320 Darics & Experience Points each.
Two Orlog IV CombatBots, both shut down during hostilities.
80 Plasmalberds
>Able to cut through most metals, if given enough time.
>Can extend anywhere from 5′ to 12′
150 Light Rifles
>Spending a round aiming grants +2 to hit, instead of +1.
>Can trivially be set to explode, as a grenade.
30 Handrail Guns
>Guaranteed to tear space suits on a successful hit.
A container of freezedried food
Banners and uniforms for The Stygian Liberation Front


Dr. Osh – Hopes this shit doesn’t last too much longer. He’s got stuff to do back at the university.
Pablo – Old man, needs help.


The Nebula Cache of the Stygian Liberation Front
The Private Gallery of Grand Dukebaron Bluhelm

Highlights Recap

With Dr–er–Deity Sneed gone, Dr. Osh insisted on being taken back to the University. But the party decided to take a little detour on the way back, as they were actually pretty close to one of the secret locations they’d discovered in the navigation computers of the abandoned ships in the Space Krakken’s den.

Dr. Osh groused about this, but the players directed him towards their science lab, and pointed out that he could spend the trip analyzing his data and preparing his explanation of what happened with Sneed. He seemed contented enough not to pester the party as they went about their business.

Hoping to conserve fuel, the party didn’t engage their jump drive, but set their course to travel there the old fashioned way. A few hours out, they intercepted a signal coming from a nearby nebula. It had no particular content, and seemed to serve like a kind of beacon, indicating its position, but nothing else.

Hoping to leave themselves a beacon to help them leave the nebula, the party passed some time by making a pool table and playing pool with one another. (A game handily won by Magnus Robot Fighter). When Dr. Osh was done with his probe, they set it up outside the nebula, blasting some music across its communication channel.

Unfortunately, within 150 kilometers, the signal was completely lost. The denseness of the nebula was also preventing their sensors from scanning more than a few hundred meters away. In a very real sense, their only point of reference was the beacon.

When they reached the source of the transmission, they discovered a black sphere. They brought it on board the ship and discovered that almost the entirety of the device was dedicated to creating a signal powerful enough to punch out of the nebula.

RayRayRayRayRay used his hacking skills to break into the device, but it had a security of 6, so the hacking wasn’t easy. He did eventually manage to extract some data, but did so just as the heightened security caused the system to shut down completely. He saw that there was a list of 12 coordinates, but was only able to extract 3. All of them within the nebula, their position described relative to the sphere.

The party went to the first set, and discovered a room, apparently pulled out of a space ship, floating in space. Gown went out in his space suit to hack the thing open, which he did, but he also activated a security robot which attacked him. Fortunately, the party managed to dispatch the bot before any serious harm could be done.

Within the container was a cache of weapons, which the party loaded onto the Bosco.

The next set of coordinates led to a shipping container. Like the previous one, this contained a robot, which injured captain RayRayRayRayRay, but did not puncture his suit. The container was filled with freeze dried foods. Enough to feed 100 people for a year. Really shit quality, though.

By the time the players reached the final container, they had this down to a science. They had to destroy the robot, but quickly gathered up what was there: a bunch of banners and uniforms for something called “The Stygian Liberation Front,” as well as a desk for someone named “General Mynel,” and a pay crate containing 1,600 Darics.

With no other leads to follow, Magnus Robot Fighter disassembled the sphere to prevent its signal from being noticed by anyone else.

They continued on to their destination, and did not encounter anything else before reaching a desolate planetoid from which they were contacted by an old man named Pablo.

He explained to the party that he, and a group of others, had been trapped here for some 80 years now. The planet’s only building complex was a private gallery of curios for some young noble, who was intensely secretive about its location. The people down there are the curators and cleaning people, who assume the asshole must have died, because he hasn’t been around for decades. And since he was the only person who knew where this place was, they’ve been trapped here ever since.

The party agreed to rescue them in exchange for their help with looting the place. The first bit of help the people on the planet offered was to warn the party away from the landing pad–four auto-turrets would blast them out of the sky if they came near.

The party landed a ways away, trekked up to the turrets, and Gown used magic to get them to fire at one another, while Magnus Robot Fighter used a Plasmalberd to cut a passage into the housing of the 4th and final one.

The session ended in media res.