Session 1 – Why Am I The Only One Who Cares About Zat!?

Dramatis Personae
+Patrick Stuart as RayRayRayRayRay
+Joshua Blackketter as Magnus Robot Fighter
+John Bell as Dr. Trevor Science
+Elias Stretch as Sasha Rey
+Courtney Campbell as Tin Man
+Chris H as Gown
+Arnold K. as Swigmar / Corpulon
+Alex Chalk as Jupiter Jones

101 Darics (13 experience points each)

Space Green Book (+1 to Beurocracy checks related to workplace safety while in inventory).

Synthrope Dispenser (400′)

Laser Ring (- 1 to hit. Easy to conceal).

Laser Rifle (Good, solid weapon)

Light Knife (Short reach, huge cutting power)

A Suitcase with a Gelatinous Space Leech in it. (excretes light)

Space Mace Used.

Misc: Pen, Paper, Void Vermilion Lipstick, a copy of “Atomic Beetle Capsule” by Zeneta Shin, numerous suitcases and backpacks, a defibrillator.


Zat – Left for dead crewman. Saved by Ray, and now regards him as the Captain.

Grk & Glk – Space Roaches. Found the party deceptive.

Dykhed – A space pirate in the party’s custody. Doesn’t like the party. Could be turned in at the nearest Sherif’s office for a 500 Daric reward.

Haven Turn

(1 Month)(Hazard Die: 3, Safe)

RayRayRayRayRay – Fixed up the bridge as best he could. Rigged the captain’s chair so he could pilot the ship directly from it. Spent some time with Zat, establishing a relationship with him.

Magnus Robot Fighter – Scrounged together enough parts to make up 6 very shitty laser rifles. Liable to break down if stressed too hard.

Dr. Trevor Science – Set up a magic / medical laboratory. Any magic items may be added to this lab, according to the rules on page 16 of the player’s guide.

Sasha Rey – Spent some time training her rat, Mr Brink, to respond to basic commands.

Tin Man – Studied its own programming on languages. During the next session will receive a +1 to any language check.

Gown – Created the spell “Glass Beams”

Swigmar / Corpulon – Spent some time cooking, discovering many different ways to prepare potatoes, and leaving some out for the Space Roaches as a peace offering. The Roaches seem appeased, and are content to share the ship with the humans for as long as this behavior persists.

Jupiter Jones – Messed with the communication system, trying to pick up on some rumors. It sounds like someone named “Fibby Dan” skipped out on a debt with the Space Mafia. They would be very appreciative of any violence that might happen to occur on his person.

Magic Words

Glass, Steel, Control, Delayed, Bronze, Zone, Gold, Beams, Conjure, Acid
Gown’s New Spells

Control Steel – For 1 minute per caster level, the caster may bend, twist, tear, and move any item made of steel, or other metal common in tool use. (So it would work with titanium or aluminum, but not with gold). The caster cannot cause metal to levitate. The manipulated material must always have some kind of support, and the weaker that support is, the more clumsy the caster’s ability to control it is. A sword balanced on its tip would be slow and clumsy to move, but a sword laying down flat on the floor could be controlled with a high degree of accuracy.


1.The caster’s ability to manipulate the steel is very weak. A sort of gentle tug.

2. Any metal the caster attempts to manipulate is immediately pulled towards them, at dangerous speed.

3. The caster’s hands turn to solid steel for 1d6 combat rounds.

4. The metal always acts in the opposite of the way the caster wants it to. They can still do what they want, but it’s incredibly disorienting to attempt, and actions take two or three times longer than they would otherwise.

Delayed Control – The caster creates a kind of “trap,” by casting this spell on an item, or a section of floor. Whoever next touches that item, or steps on that floor, must make a Saving Throw versus Order, or obey a set of commands pre-set by the caster. The commands must be simple at first, but more experienced casters can set more complex commands. For every level the caster has, the command they set can include 1 word. (So, at level 1, “Run,” at level 2 “Run away,” at level 3 “Run to airlock,” etc.

NOTE: If failure chance exists, commands must be laid out before the failure roll is made.


1. The caster instead applies those commands to themselves. Save vs. Order.

2. The trap activates the exact opposite of the intended commands.

3. When the trap is activated, the victim hears & understands the commands, but need not obey them. They also immediately gain knowledge of everything the caster did for 5 minutes before and after casting the spell.

4. When the trap is activated, both caster and victim must obey the commands, no matter where the caster is.

Glass Beams – Conjures one column of prismatic glass for every 3 levels of the caster, which orbit around the caster. Each column is 2′ long, and 2″ in diameter. If the caster would be hit by a laser-based weapon, the beam instead hits one of the caster’s glass columns, which redirects the beam wherever the caster desires (roll an attack to determine hit). This does not count as the caster’s action. After this, the glass column is destroyed. Spell lasts until all of the caster’s glass columns are gone, or until the caster next sleeps.


1. Spell functions normally, but the targets of the refractions are random (and may include the caster)

2. Spell functions normally, but the if the refraction shot is a miss, the prism explodes, dealing damage to the caster.

3. The caster instead summons a 60′ line of drinking glasses, laid end to end.

4. A pair of spectacles appear on the caster’s face. Nothing else happens.

Dr. Trevor Science’s New Spells

Acid Beam – The caster opens their mouth, emitting a beam of green, gooey light. This the beam has the diameter of the caster’s open mouth, and goes further the smaller the caster makes it. Up to a maximum length of 10′ for every level of the caster. Using the beam to attack requires an attack roll to hit. The beam may also corrode anything that is corrodable by acid.


1. The beam gives the caster indigestion, and they must spend 1d4 rounds vomiting. It otherwise works correctly, though.

2. The caster burns their lips on the beam, taking half the damage their target takes.

3.The beam is just a green flashlight.

4.The beam functions normally, but has minimal power, dealing only 1 damage, and barely burning anything.

Conjure Gold – Enables the caster to create solid gold in any shape they desire, up to roughly 5lb per level of the caster. They may conjure this object in any location within 60′ of themselves, and it will fully form in 1 round. Creating an object with moving parts is impossible. Note that gold has no particular value in the galaxy, and that it is a very soft metal.


1.The conjured object is misshapen in some significant way.

2.The conjured object is made from origami, rather than gold.

3.The gold summoned is in a molten state.

4. The caster summons an object of Pyrite.

Bronze Zone – The caster indicates a location within 100′ of themselves within line of sight. A radius around that location is bathed in a supernatural, ultraviolet light, coming from every angle all at once. (The radius begins at 10′, increasing by 10′ at every odd numbered cater level. The caster may choose a smaller radius than the maximum if they wish). This light makes visible things which might normally be invisible, and the radiation may be harmful to some creatures. The light may have a myriad of other uses, as yet unidentified.


1. The caster a few gallons of tanning lotion.

2. The caster summons normal light.

3. The caster causes everything within the indicated space to be transported to an alternate dimension. It’s as if it suddenly ceases to exist.

4. The caster summons a tanning bed.


Space Cockroach – Spoken by Tin Man

Highlights Recap

Note: For anyone familiar with my ORWA recaps, this will not be that. Those things take a ton of my time, and there’s no way I can keep up if I try to maintain the same level of detail. FKOS recaps will be quick and casual in the extreme.

As the session began, the party were huddled like cowards in some remote corner of the ship, having successfully hidden from the pirates who looted the ship they were traveling on and left it derelict in space. Once they were confident to move around, they went to the cockpit, where they discovered that the whole ship was completely without power. No thrust, no life support, nothing.

There was a crew member there, alive, but bleeding out. His name was Andrew, but he likes people to call him Zat because it sounds cool. Ray managed to stop his bleeding enough that he would survive for at least a few hours, and set himself the personal mission of finding a medical kit so they could cure Zat.

The rest of the party mostly just cared about getting the engines fixed, so they set off looking for a way to the ship’s stern. Unfortunately, the direct path was blocked by multiple areas that had been blasted open to the vacuum of space, so the party had to meander through some rooms.
They met some space cockroaches, and promised them better food. Two space cockroaches agreed to follow them.

Further on, the party walked into a room with a space pirate in it who had been left behind. He opened fire on Swigmar, and landed a devastating pair of hits with his laser rifle. Then Jupiter Jones maced him, and RayRay distracted him, and Tin Man tackled him. They bound him up with a bit of bedsheet, took his gun, and went on their way.

In the next room they found a bunch of luggage, which produced a few bits of interesting loot. Notably, Gown discovered a gelatinous space leech, and RayRay caught it in a suitcase.

Yet further on, the party discovered a lot of potatoes, and some rats, which are exotic pets in this strange future time. Sasha Rey picked herself out a pink one, and named it Mr. Brink.

Not long after this, the party reached the stern, and discovered the engine was on fire. They located some fire extinguishers, but Ray was unable to put out such a huge fire with it. Magnus Robot Fighter and Jupiter Jones worked together to try and reroute the fire’s fuels, which worked. With the fire out, repair on the engine began.

At this point, the Space Cockroaches got tired of waiting for the party to produce better food, and left in a huff.

Other members of the party rifled through some of the other supplies they found, including some space suits, and some med kits. They made their way as quick as they could back to the fore of the ship, where they managed to stabilize Zat.

Within a few hours, the party had restored the most basic functions of the ship. It had thrust, and life support. Unfortunately, the navigation computer was completely shot beyond any hope of repair. The only real choice the party had was to jump the ship to one of the destinations listed in the ship’s browser history: A farming planet, an alien world, a spa world, or a space station orbiting a gas giant.

The party determined that the space station would best be able to fit them for repairs, and set off.

So ended Pluviose, 31,618