Session 99 – The Orphans Can Wait!

Dramatis Personae

+Anthony Fournier as Losco
+Ronnie Whelan as Sheniqua
+Moreven B as The Gobbos
+Reece Carter Frank


A ring which causes the wearer to have the most magnificent beard. Makes gobbos and gobbokin uncomfortable.

A nice set of steak knives with a carrying roll case.

A crossbow which, when it strikes a person, they must make a saving throw versus paralyzation or be teleported to the location of their attacker.

Losco has a warning of one future event, which he may cash in at any time.


Steve – A petty dictator

Ymill – A woman who lives in the Republic of Steve

Floatybaby – A curio shop clerk for Strativarius.

Dumpster Pipe Oracle – Lives in dumpster town. Offers wisdom of the past, present, or future for 400cc a pop. Not guaranteed to be particularly relevant or pleasant.

Highlights Recap

Rather than continue their quest to build a pool, the party opted to pursue one of the minor hooks from their previous adventure and visit the Territory of Dave.

Shortly after setting out, they discovered an open manhole cover with a sign above it, where someone had clumsily scrawled the words “Good stuff down here!”

Within, they met a floating fetus baby still safe inside its uterus, who communicated by writing on index cards. The baby welcomed them to Stratavarius’ Curio Shop, and showed them around. The party purchased a healing potion, a nice set of steak knives, a ring of nice beard, and a crossbow of “Get Over here!” Losco also left his green-edged sword behind so that it could be appraised by Stratavarious.

They also bumped into Sally Mae, but nothing much came of it.

As they were picking their way through No Man’s Land, the party passed a huge stack of metal dumpsters that had been welded together and holes cut into them to form a kind of rats maze of a city. The party were really stoked on this idea, and decided to investigate around a bit.

Inside they met a number of interesting folks. They argued with a lady who wanted them to keep the noise down, they won some money playin’ card games, and tried to settle an argument between a older lesbian couple, but ultimately just made things kinda awkward.

Most notably, they met a fella with a 3-pronged pipe who offered them Wisdom of the Past, the Present and the Future. Sheniqua went first, asked for info about her past, was told she was too hard on her people and Bubble Bobble wasn’t that bad. She punched out the guy. Chuffy then gave the guy the healing potion the party had purchased, and was offered a free fortune. He also chose to learn about his past, and discovered that his mother never wanted him, but that his father truly did, and that his father was still alive: a mighty wizard in Comet Caller territory. Losco went last, and also asked for information about his future. He learned about some terrible event which hasn’t happened yet.

After wandering around the dumpster city for awhile, the players decided they wanted to press on to the Territory of Dave before it got too late.

They arrived at about 3 in the afternoon to discover that the Territory of Dave was just a few buildings surrounded by a chainlink fence. At the gate they learned that it wasn’t the Territory of Dave any longer, but was now the Republic of Steve. Whoever Dave was is now persona non grata.

The party got in by claiming to be tourists, briefly met Steve, and were taken by a woman named Ymill to see the Republic of Steve History Museum. She told them all about the territory’s history as an exporter of rare pornographies before the party shocked her by asking what happened to Dave.

The session ended in media res