Session 94 – Now I Have 44 Dicks

Due to crazy life reasons, this recap is being written a week after the session was played. Some details will certainly have been muddled by this point, for which I apologize.

Dramatis Personae

+Ronnie Whelan as Sheniqua
+Anthony Fournier as Losco
+Moreven B as The Four Gobbos
+John Salyer as Roy Otterson

NPC Interactions

Orlon the Silverhair – a Duke

Stink, Phallo, Canzo, Sleepy – Four Mongoose, the party exchanged phone numbers with them.


Nrrk’s epic fantasy series of 3 books.

“History of the Fall of Man,” a book written about 40 years after the destruction of earth.

Haven Turn

Sheniqua – ?

Umquat – ?

Losco – ?

Highlights Recap

As a result of the party’s actions last session, Taucum brought charges against Faenrik the Slayer to the Slaver’s Guild Boss. It’s a sensitive situation, but one way or the other it will be resolved without major disruption to the slave trade barring any further intervention from the players.

Lacking Umquat, the party didn’t want to pursue the slavery thing any further for now. So, to honor Sheniqua’s provisional promotion to player character, the party decided to do something she wanted: fuck with the Technotopians.

The party set off for the boarder between Dukes and Techno territory. On the way they met another group of Mongerls off to do a job. The party had a pleasant chat with them, and the two groups exchanged phone numbers.

Later on, the party stumbled onto a bookstore, where they purchased some neato books.

Eventually the party came upon the Dukes forward camp–recall that the Dukes and the Technotopians were fighting a war until very recently.

The party got into the camp, and met with its commander, a guy who wore a silver helm shaped like hair named Orlon the Silverhair. Losco’s silver tongue convinced him that the Technotopians may be selling captured Dukes as slaves (tying this event in with the fire at Taukum’s compound). They weren’t able to get Orlon to send them out on sanctioned action against the Technotopians, but he did say that he wouldn’t stop them from going over there, and that if they could bring firm proof of their claims, he’d be interested.

The party took the long way around to cross the boarder, and in no man’s land they encountered an overturned cart, and several people being devoured by a great beast. They did battle with the beast, slew it, and discovered that the cart was filled with old bits of technology scavenged from other areas of the dome, presumably being brought to Technotopia to serve as relics. It was a fortuitous occurance.

They rigged up the cart so they could move it, and were able to get into the technotopian camp by saying they were delivering the stuff. Once there, Sheniqua went to the base commander and tried to convince her to start the war back up, but the base commander thought that was the stupidest idea ever, and kicked her out. Sheniqua then set the goblins (riding spectral dogs) to work riding into the base and throwing bombs everywhere. Losco and Ronnina both joined in, sewing as much chaos as they could.

Losco in particular limped his way into the med tent, planted a bomb, waited until it was full, and blew the place to pieces as soon as there were enough patients waiting inside.

Having caused some havoc on the Technotopian lines, the party retreated back to Trumpquatia.

Thus ended June 2519