Session 91 – Flurry of Fletching is Flung at Her

Dramatis Personae

+Anthony Fournier as Losco
+Linlin Kins as Umquat
+Ronnie Whelan as Ronnina
Inanimate Carbon Rod as MVP




Norno – Umquat took some time out to consider Norno’s feelings.

Sally Mae – In disguise, the party convinced her they were employed by wizards and refused to buy drugs.

The 11 Slaver’s Guild Masters

Benito Garveson, a coward who got into slavery and managed to rise up the ranks after deserting the Duke’s army in the war with Proceo Sallow

Wayne Kayle. Believes slaves are slaves because they’re weak. It’s justice for them to be enslaved.

Buckey the Drunk – In over his head.

Tall Sue – Has no legs. Just 4 robot wheels. Also has missiles installed where her tits used to be.

Faenrik the Slayer. Leads a double life, no one knows who they are for real, since they only communicate via intercom from their office. Everybody makes fun of their pompous name. Used to control all slavery in Mongoose territory, before Taukum made inroads into the BDSM district.

Elias Lindsey – A heretical Akiovashan priestess.

Gin Nolk – A consummate warrior.

Kessliger – A sneaky mutant known for mechanical traps.

Shimmercoat – Wears a coat of CDs. Believes she is the daughter of Halo.

Taukum – A brutal little 12 year old early bloomer who killed her parents for being assholes. Got her start by convincing a bunch of subs in the BDSM district that being sold into slavery would be kinky.

Hugh Mann – A totally normal guy who runs a slavery ring.

Super Hero Identities

Losco: Cpt’n Cvm’n (Captain Caveman) Just a hairy dude.

The Scarlet Ghost (Ronnina) hired 6 dudes, dressed them in comedy/tragedy theater masks, gave them each glitter-gun canes, and dubbed them “The Assistants.” They cost 250cc each, and won’t do anything TOO dangerous.

Ronnina spread around the information that the Super Heroes are anti-slavery.

Highlights Recap

With the groundwork for their anti-slaver campaign laid, the party set about creating a more concrete plan to bring down the slaver establishment. Knowing that the slavers followed a strict code to compete against each other only in business, never with violence, the party decided the most effective route would be to trick them into thinking the code was being broken by others.

And upon learning that one of the Slaver Guildmasters, Taukum, was not only a sort of bizzarro-Umquat, but was also operating right under Umquat’s nose just to the south of Trumpquatia in the BDSM district, there was no question that she would need to be the first to go. The party needed to trick her into using violence against her competitors, by making her think violence had been used against her first. And the obvious candidate to frame was Faenrik the Slayer, whose name was pompously violent, and who had a well known grudge against Taukum.

Since the Super Hero identities were associated with anti-slavery stuff already, the party decided they needed new disguises, so they bought a matching set of red miniskirts and red balaclavas, which all of them wore.

They wrote a letter, ostensibly from Faenrik the Slayer, which instructed them to attack Taukum, and implied that if they did well they’d earn the opportunity to attack many other of the author’s rivals. The party then tossed the letter into a fire, and stamped it out when it was half burned, to make it look like they’d tried to destroy it. Enough of the letter was still visible that someone could draw the conclusion the party wanted them to draw.

From there, the party moved along a back-trail between Faenrik’s territory and Taukum’s Haven. Umquat used her masterful tracking ability to create tracks which looked as though someone had tried to cover them up, but had failed to do a complete job. Obviously, this took some time, and the party had several encounters along the way.

A group of Mongoose off to do some work ignored them. The party was accosted by some Police Cops, but the group successfully argued that they were just doing a job they’d been hired to do, and made a social roll of 14 to explain their balaclavas as “protection from poison dust.” The Police Cops immediately covered their own faces, and bid the party good day. Lastly, the party encountered Sally Mae the drug dealer. They told her they were working for a wizard, who didn’t want them doing drugs, and implied that the wizard might be speaking directly through them, which scared Sally Mae off.

Once the trail was set, the party moved on to Taukum’s haven. Her actual citadel itself was a 4 story building, protected by an old janky spaceship energy shield generator, as well as a moat with a drawbridge. Adjacent to her citadel was a little square, where slave auctions were held. There were also 3 buildings where people could go to rent time with submissive folks who had sold themselves into slavery.

The party started off by visiting the nearest of these subby-slave-brothels. When they discovered that they had to give up their weapons before being allowed to enter, Losco got angry and swung Inanimate Carbon Rod at the bouncer, starting a bit of a tussle. He and Ronnina both started getting into it, while Umquat and Faylana moved around to the back of the building, and Norno moved off to keep watch and serve as backup.

Umquat managed to get into the back without any difficulty, and eventually stuck her way into one of the private rooms where she encountered a woman pegging a tied up man. Umquat assumed the woman was probably the slave, and the man was the one paying for time with her, so she shot the man with one of her crossbows. The hit would have killed him, but Umquat succeeded on a torture check to hold herself back.

Outside, the party managed to take out the bouncer, but only just in time for other guards to start moving in to join the fight.

The session ended in media res, and actually, in mid-initiative. The first thing that should happen next session is a new initiative roll.