
Work with me

Inquiries regarding potential collaborations or paid contract work should be emailed to me directly at my business address.

Hang out with me

The scene is built on friendships. Meeting new people and talking about games with them is the foundation of everything we do. Unfortunately the Google+ diaspora has left the RPG social landscape fractured, there is no longer one definitive place to chat, so I’ve settled on being a little bit of everywhere for the time being.

My twitter, @linkskywalker, is by far my most active social platform. I’m also active on Mastadon as, and on Discord as linkskywalker#1679. If you are so inclined you could also reach me at by email.

I also have public facing profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Pluspora, and MeWe. I mostly use these platforms to hustle my work around the web, so they’re checked and updated much less frequently than the social spaces I use for my own pleasure. On the other hand, that means they’re also laser focused on RPG stuff, so that may be better for some folks.

And while we’re linking to other places you can find me on the Internet, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my DriveThruRPG,, and Lulu stores. Hint Hint.